


Represents an assembly with tracking capabilities.

A babel database context.

A babel database context extensions.

Represents a contact associated with a customer.

Represents a customer with tracking capabilities.

A customer repository.

Represents a resource associated with a customer.

Represents a downloadable item with tracking capabilities.

Represents a history record of a download.

Provides a base class for entities that require change tracking.

A generic repository.

Represents a software license.

A license repository.

Represents a license template.

A license template repository.

Represents a license token.

A license token repository.

Represents a log entry.

Defines counters for a log entry.

A log entry repository.

Represents a log summary.

The logs configuration.

Represents an order in the system.

An order repository.

Represents a resource associated with an order.

Represents a product.

Represents a product assembly.

Represents a license associated with a product.

Represents a product order.

A product repository.

Represents a resource associated with a product.

Represents a Release entity with its properties and relationships to other entities.

A release repository.

Represents a mapping between a release and a resource.

Represents a report entity with its properties.

A report counters.

Represents a report property entity that inherits from the EntityTracker class.

A report property repository.

A report repository.

A report summary.

Represents a resource entity.

A resource repository.

Represents a script entity.

Implementation of IScriptRepository.

Represents a tag associated with a script entity.

Implementation of IScriptTagRepository.

Represents a setting entity with its properties.

A UnitOfWork instance represents a combination Unit Of Work and Repository patterns such that it can be

Represents a user entity with additional properties.

A user repository.

Converts nullable DateTime values to UTC DateTime values and vice versa.



Interface for ApiKey repository.

Interface for Assembly repository.

Interface for customer repository.

Interface for generic repository.

Interface for license repository.

Interface for license template repository.

Interface for license token repository.

Interface for log entry repository.

Interface for order repository.

Interface for product repository.

Interface for release repository.

Interface for report property repository.

Interface for report repository.

Interface for resource repository.

Interface for ScriptRepository.

Interface for ScriptTagRepository.

Interface for user repository.

Last updated