
Managing Product Versions and Updates

The 'Releases' endpoint, functioning as an integral part of the 'Products' section in the Babel Licensing API, is specifically focused on managing and tracking the various versions or updates of products. This endpoint plays a vital role in maintaining comprehensive records of each product's lifecycle, particularly from the perspective of licensing. It ensures that every iteration, enhancement, or modification of a product is accurately documented and aligned with its corresponding licenses


Roles: Administrator, LicenseManager

This GET method is used to access and view detailed information about the various releases of a specific product. It enables users to fetch data such as release versions, release dates, and descriptions of the changes or features in each release.


Roles: Administrator, LicenseManager

The POST method allows for the introduction of a new release for a product within the system. It is used to add details about a new version, including version number, release notes, and the specifics of what is new or improved in this iteration.


Roles: Administrator, LicenseManager

Utilizing the PUT method allows for modifications to the details of an existing product release..


Roles: Administrator, LicenseManager

The DELETE method is used to remove the record of a specific product release from the system.

Last updated