Exception Reports

Exception reporting is crucial in identifying and addressing application crashes and errors. Babel Licensing Services offers a powerful feature for collecting and analyzing application fault reports.

In this article, we will explore an example code console_exception_report_example, which demonstrates the usage of Babel Licensing client library to send application exception reports to Babel Licensing Service. By leveraging this example code, developers can gain insights into the root causes of exceptions and improve the stability and reliability of their applications.

Application Exception Report Example

To get started with the console_exception_report_example, follow these steps:

  1. Open your preferred Git client or the command line.

  2. Clone the GitHub repository by executing the following command:

git clone https://github.com/babelfornet/console_exception_report_example.git
  1. Once the repository is cloned, navigate to the project directory:

cd console_exception_report_example
  1. You are now ready to explore and run the example code.

The console_exception_report_example demonstrates how to integrate the Babel Licensing client library into your application to capture and send exception reports to the Babel Licensing Service. Here's a breakdown of the code:

  1. BabelReporting Initialization: The example code initializes a BabelReporting object, which serves as the interface to the Babel Licensing client library.

  2. User Key: The example code assigns a user key (UserKey) to authorize the client to report exceptions. Make sure to replace it with a valid user key. To generate a user key please refer to the Floating License or License Activation paragraphs.

  3. Configuration: The Babel Reporting Service URL is configured to connect to the Babel Licensing Service. Adjust the URL if necessary.

// Configure Babel Reporting Service URL
reporting.Configuration.ServiceUrl = "";
  1. BeforeSendReport Event: The example code subscribes to the BeforeSendReport event, which allows you to customize the exception report before it is sent. In this event handler, custom properties like cmdline (command line) and username (current user's name) are added to the report.

reporting.BeforeSendReport += (s, e) => {

   // Set report custom properties
   e.Report.Properties.Add("cmdline", Environment.CommandLine);
   e.Report.Properties.Add("username", Environment.UserName);
  1. Exception Handling and Reporting: The code presents a menu to simulate different types of exceptions. When an exception occurs, it is caught, and the exception details, including the stack trace, are displayed. The SendExceptionReport method from the BabelReporting object is then invoked to send the exception report to the Babel Licensing Service.

static async void TryThrowException(Action throwException)
   catch (Exception ex)
      Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown:");

      reporting.SendExceptionReport(UserKey, ex);
  1. Exception Examples: The example code includes four exception scenarios: DivideByZeroException, IndexOutOfRangeException, ArgumentNullException, and OutOfMemoryException. Each scenario demonstrates a specific type of exception being thrown and caught with relevant code snippets.

The console_exception_report_example provides a practical demonstration of how to leverage Babel Licensing Services to collect and analyze application fault reports. By integrating the Babel Licensing client library into your own applications and utilizing the example code, you can gain valuable insights into application crashes, accelerate bug resolution, enhance user experience, and make data-driven decisions for future improvements. Clone the repository, explore the code, and leverage the power of exception reporting to improve the stability and reliability of your applications.

Last updated