
The Templates page serves as a centralized hub for managing License Templates. These templates define the structure and terms for the licenses that can be issued, ensuring consistency and compliance across all licensing operations. This page allows administrators to efficiently create, modify, and delete templates according to business needs.

Grid Columns

The grid on the Templates page displays a list of all existing license templates, along with several key details organized into columns:

  1. Id: Displays a unique identifier for each template, aiding in quick reference and management.

  2. Name: Shows the name of the template, which describes the type or purpose of the licenses it generates.

  3. Type: Specifies the license type that the template will generate, such as Single User, Multi-User, Subscription, etc.

  4. Mode: Indicates the operational mode of the license, such as 'Activation', 'Floating', or 'File', detailing how the license will be used or applied.

  5. Issue Date: Allows administrators to decide whether to include an issue date in the licenses generated from this template, which can be important for tracking and validity purposes.

  6. Expire Days: Displays the number of days after which the license will expire, starting from the date of issue.

  7. Support Expire Days: Indicates the number of days after which the provided support for the product under the license will expire.

  8. Format: Specifies the format of the license key generated by the template, such as ASCII, Base 32, XML. This setting determines how the license keys are structured and encoded.

  9. User Key: Represents the blueprint used to generate a unique user key for licenses created with this template, critical for ensuring each license is distinct and verifiable.

  10. Status: Shows whether the template is active or inactive, allowing administrators to control which templates are available for use. This helps manage the availability of different types of licenses without deleting historical or infrequently used templates.

  11. Description: Provides additional details about the template, explaining its use case, restrictions, or special conditions that apply to the licenses it generates. This is useful for administrators and sales teams to understand the applications and limitations of a specific license type.

Actionable Buttons

Each row associated with a license template includes a set of actionable buttons that provide the following functionalities:

  1. Edit (Pencil Icon): Clicking this icon allows you to modify the existing template details. This function is crucial for updating template terms, adjusting license types, or revising the template name and other characteristics as licensing policies change.

  2. Delete (Trash Can Icon): This button enables you to permanently remove a template from the system. This action should be used with caution as deleting a template may affect the issuance of new licenses based on this template and could impact existing licenses if they rely on template definitions for enforcement of terms.


  • Add Template: To manually add a new license template, click the Add button located at the top of the page. This action opens a form where you can enter the template name, mode, and other pertinent details.

  • Search and Filter: A search bar along with filtering options is available to quickly locate specific templates or narrow down the list based on criteria such as template name, mode or template type.

  • Sorting: Clicking on the column headers sorts the list by that column, allowing for an organized display according to Id, name, or mode, which facilitates easier management.

In summary, the Templates page in the Babel Licensing WordPress Plugin is an essential tool for managing the backbone of license issuance, offering powerful capabilities to customize, deploy, and maintain licensing strategies efficiently and effectively.

Template Edit

The "Edit Template" page within the Babel Licensing WordPress Plugin allows administrators to create or modify the parameters of a license template. These templates dictate the terms under which licenses are issued, including their type, duration, and specific license restrictions. This page provides a user-friendly interface to precisely define these parameters or to upload an existing template file.

Below is an explanation of each field and section within the Edit Template page.


  1. Select Template or Drop a File Here: Administrators can select an existing template file or drag and drop the file directly into the interface. This feature is particularly useful for importing templates generated outside the Babel Licensing UI, ensuring seamless integration and continuity.

  2. Template Name: Specifies the name of the template, typically reflecting the license type or the product it is associated with, such as "ACME Data Enterprise XML Template."

  3. License Type: Defines the category of the license (e.g., Enterprise, Individual) that will be issued using this template.

  4. Mode: Describes the method of license utilization, including File for licenses available as downloadable files, Activation or Floating for licenses that necessitate connection to the Babel Licensing Service.

  5. User Key: Describes the format or algorithm used to generate a unique key for each license, such as "PAPP3-{TOKEN-5}-{HEX-5}".

  6. Issue Date: A checkbox that, when selected, enables the template to automatically include an issue date for each license generated.

  7. Expire Days: Allows setting the number of days after which the license will expire from the date of issue.

  8. Support Days: Specifies the duration in days for which support is available for the product under this license.

  9. Description: Provides space to include any additional information about the template, such as usage guidelines or restrictions that aren't explicitly defined in other fields.


  1. Product: Links the template to a specific product, such as "#1 ACME Data," ensuring licenses generated are applicable for the intended product.

  2. Sign Keys: Allows the selection of cryptographic keys used for signing the license files, ensuring authenticity and integrity.

  3. License File Name: Defines the default filename for licenses generated from this template, such as "acme.licenses".

  4. Format: Specifies the format of the license file, such as XML, ASCII, BASE32 which determines how license information is structured and stored.


  • Add Restriction: This function allows administrators to apply specific conditions or limitations to the use of the license, such as hardware restrictions, trial terms, or other conditional use cases. Restrictions ensure compliance with licensing agreements and can be tailored to meet various business needs.

After making the necessary adjustments, clicking the "Save" button will apply the changes to the template. It's important to review all settings to ensure they meet the intended licensing requirements before saving.

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