
The Reporting panel in Babel Licensing grants access to the application reporting feature.

The Reporting section within the Babel UI is a powerful tool that grants users access to a comprehensive list of application reports stored in the Babel Licensing database. This section is designed to provide detailed insights into the captured reports, enabling users to analyze and diagnose application issues effectively.

The view is divided into two main panels: the top panel displays a grid containing the list of application reports, while the bottom panel provides detailed information about the selected report. This intuitive interface allows users to easily navigate through the reports and retrieve the necessary information.

The application reports are organized into different tabs, each offering specific information related to the captured exceptions and additional context:

  • Details

  • Properties

  • Assemblies

  • Environment

  • License

  • Content

The presence of each tab depends on the configured options for the client that sent the report to the Babel Licensing Server. Please take a look at the Babel Licensing Server Report Management section to learn more about configuring application reporting on client applications.

Report Details

The Details tab is always present and contains fundamental information about the application report. This includes the report's unique identifier, the date and time it was created, the name and version of the application, and the details of the captured exception. The stack trace, which shows the sequence of method calls leading to the exception, is particularly valuable for troubleshooting and identifying the root cause of the error.

Report Properties

The Properties tab provides a list of properties associated with the application report. These properties offer additional contextual information about the exception, such as the exception source, name, and message. The application name and version, as well as the client name where the exception occurred, are also included. Furthermore, custom properties can be defined at the application level and populated with relevant information when the exception is captured. This allows for better categorization and filtering of the reports based on specific criteria.

Report Assemblies

The Assemblies tab displays the list of assemblies that were loaded by the application when the exception occurred. Each assembly entry provides essential information, such as its name, version, culture, and public key token. This information becomes especially useful when the client application is obfuscated, as it allows for the decoding of the stack trace. To facilitate the deobfuscation process, the XML map file can be registered for the application assemblies. This enables a more accurate understanding of the call hierarchy within the obfuscated code, aiding in the debugging and analysis of the exception. Please take a look at the Product Release section to learn more about registering assembly XML Map files.

Application Environment

The Environment tab showcases the list of environment variables defined for the client application. This tab provides insights into the specific environment in which the exception occurred and can be particularly helpful in reproducing the error and identifying any environment-related issues. Please note that this tab is only visible if the client reporting has been configured to collect environment variables.

Report License

The License tab displays licensing information whenever available for the client application. This includes details such as the license key, expiration date, and any additional license-specific data that may be relevant to the application.

Report Content

The Content tab is always present and displays the report's content in JSON format. This comprehensive JSON includes all the information displayed in the previous tabs, along with additional details that might include hardware information or other specific data not displayed in the preceding tabs. This provides a complete snapshot of the captured report, facilitating in-depth analysis and further investigation, if needed.

These tabs collectively offer valuable insights into the application reports, enabling users to delve into the details of each captured exception and understand the context in which it occurred. By leveraging this rich set of information, users can effectively diagnose and resolve issues, ultimately improving the overall quality and reliability of their software applications.

Last updated